A House For All Seasons And Reasons

Snow and Floors
February 29, 2004

The progress on the house has been slowed because of weather. The dry wall was finished by Lee Gomez and his father-in-law. They did a beautiful job which you'all will see when you come and visit.drywall.jpg
Then Mr. Winter decided to pay us a visit with a little snow.Snow22004.jpg
Well, it was more than a little. Since it was wet it stock to everything and gave us a beautiful white landscape.OadtreeSnow22004.jpg
You are looking at the house from the Northeast corner. This oak tree is one of the reasons Buddy and I placed the house where it is. I have love this tree since the first day I saw it.
Soon after the snow, the husband and wife team from Sea Spray was able to start cleaning the concrete in preparation for staining.
The cleaning process turned out to be a greater challenge than just cleaning the dirt off the concrete. Since the insulation crew did not cover the concrete, the three of us spent two day on our hands and knees with razors scrapping the concrete to get off as much of the insulation droppings as possible. I can honestly say that the team from Sea Spray worked their butts off to help me. By the 4th day of cleaning, I was about in tears. Most of the insulation had come up, but some of it was down in the groves of the concrete and you could not get to it. Buddy had bought the stain and finish last June and the containers of the stain had been sitting out side under my car port since then. We where not even sure that the stain was good. Buddy and I had wanted to blend 4 colors in a marble effect. The colors where 2 shades of tarra cotta, 1 of olive green and 1 of dark brown. After 3 more days of staining, cleaning, and restaining we where all excited and surprised with the out come.
You are looking from the South entry toward the East Entry. I feel Buddy was pleased with what came out. Why? Buddy was always giving me hearts. He even found a rock on the property that was shaped like a heart. If you take a look at the bottom of the picture - a little to the left of center - you will see the shape of a heart that was formed as the stains set in the concrete. This was not sprayed this way. Stain was sprayed all over the floor and in some places it took and in others it did not.
Here is a view from the same door but looking more into the kitchen/pantry floor area. From the Great Room dinning area into the hall way to the bedrooms the floor has this look.

Now comes the fun part. The kitchen cabinets should be in the first week in March. Then I get to pick out the paint and start painting cabinets, walls, and ceilings. The new appliances for the kitchen are to be delivered the second Monday in March. I will keep you posted. Thanks for all your prayers and support over the last few months.

Posted by Pam at 10:18 AM | Comments (2)
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