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What's Going On


Aidan's back thing finally stopped after a few nights. Because he seemed to itch at it sometimes, we treated it like a skin problem, sprinkling corn starch and lotion on it, but there was never anything visible. If we had been either at Steve's mom's house or upstate, I would have taken him to a chiropractor, but I don't know anyone around here and there are all kinds of chiropractors. Anyway, he hasn't complained about it for several nights now thank goodness.

My nausea got much worse for almost a week. It is doing that, in waves. Sometimes I think, this must be what it feels like for those women who say that they just felt a little nauseous sometimes. Sometimes, everything that I put into my mouth is revolting and I want to die. I go from managing my food intake so that I don't throw up to managing it so that when I do have to throw up, there's no food there.

It started to get better yesterday, and last night we all went out to eat. The only thing on the menu that looked bland enough for me was fish and chips. I am a vegetarian - the kind that doesn't eat fish. It's funny how everyone at the table was trying to talk me out of the fish and chips. I knew I wouldn't be able to eat any of the vegetarian choices. My brother-in-law said, "You're pregnant. Eat whatever you want." I ate fish and chips. I ate every last bite and I felt great afterwards. It was by far the biggest meal I've eaten in a long time. Blessings on the fish.

I've stopped going on outings with the family. I no longer go to the beach. I can't be independent enough, and there were just too many times that I came home gagging because my stomach had been too empty for too long. I am a couch potato now and I'm letting everybody else take care of Aidan. For a while I was feeling sad because I was missing out on the vacation, but now I feel lucky that I can be this way and not worry about Aidan. It's a huge luxury and I am appreciating it. Plus, I'm getting lots of alone time to write and make websites.

Does the first trimester end at 12 weeks? If so, I'm only two weeks away. I figured the due date is February 15th.

Aidan has finally started to "potty train". We got him going by letting him pee outside in the grass. That's really the only place that he wants to pee now and we had an awful incident at a restaurant where he snuck off of a porch and dropped trousers in the grass. It might have been cute if he had only peed. It was awful. He will use the toilet too, but only with some heavy coaxing. For some reason he just hates it, and it's not a fear of the flushing because sometimes he will flush it while he's sitting on it. He wants to wear his big boy underwear now more than he hates the toilet. There are lots of accidents, but it's something. If we are out and he says that he wants to go home, that means that he needs to use the bathroom. His cousin, who is six months younger than him, is at a similar stage of all this and has been a great influence. They admire each other's big kid underwear.

We're here in Montauk for one more week and it is so nice to be here. It will be hard to leave.

John Lee Supertaster should have been about a pregnant woman.


FINALLY! I never did find that MP3 the first time you mentioned it.

Fri 07/18/2003 5:19PM e-mail home page

Oh - - Spike is exactly the same way about potty training. Has total control - will go outside, never even wears a diaper to bed - but absolutely refuses to use the toilet. Very strange. Sounds like Aidan's already further along than Spike, though! The only thing I could eat for months when I was pregnant with Spike was cream of wheat - and then suddenly I had a craving for fish sticks. Like the nasty school cafeteria kind. But hey - feed the pregnant lady what she wants!

Sat 07/19/2003 1:58AM e-mail home page

Have fish and chips every darn day if that's what you need, mama! Here's hoping the nausea eases up in the next few weeks.

Sat 07/19/2003 11:55AM e-mail home page

ok 2 things:Althes Due date was 2/15/98 (course her birthday is MARCH 6)and I ALWAYS thought that about that song!!!!

Sat 07/19/2003 1:33PM e-mail home page

he shat outside! in many ways he's further along than me.

Sun 07/20/2003 4:06AM e-mail home page

I meant I always thought about that song in relation to pregnant people cause of my extreme taste and smell issues that made (still make) me nausous.

Thu 07/24/2003 12:29PM e-mail home page