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Aidan woke up from his nap yesterday complaining that his arm and then his back hurt. He often has a limb go to sleep on him, so I treated it as such, but it went on and on. Eventually it was just his back that he was complaining about. Steve told him the story of Peter and the Wolf because he thought he was faking it. I thought that this was sort of cruel because he had never faked anything like that before and his pain seemed so sincere to me.

But then I took him into a room to nurse him and he seemed to recover strangely quickly. An ice cream sandwich had a similar effect. I started to think that Steve was onto something, but then we got him dressed and went out to dinner. Aidan is usually fairly good with meals, but he refused to eat a single thing or even to sit in his chair. When we went to sleep last night the back pain started again and it went on ALL NIGHT LONG.

He didn't do anything to hurt his back, and he can't describe the pain. I became very impatient at one point and started telling him that there was nothing wrong with his back and that he couldn't nurse anymore because there was no more milk. Nursing had consisted of him latching on and then writhing about with my tender breast in his mouth. Steve compassionately took him into the living room and turned the TV on until 3am. I guess he came in and fell asleep then, but was awake and writhing again from 4-5:30 am. I was more sensitive this time, having gotten at least a little sleep.

Anyone have any insight into this? He seemed to wake up fine. If it's physical it's disturbing and if it's emotional it's disturbing.


physical- maybe lymes? any tick stuff happening? good luck, and i really hope it isn't that. and also, maybe it's just growing pains? jake complains sometimes about pain in his legs at night...

Tue 07/08/2003 7:47PM e-mail home page

I would take him to a chiropractor immediately. They'll detect any back problems, and if it's not his back, then at least you can rule that out.

Wed 07/09/2003 7:23AM e-mail home page

Its prolly just a pinched nerve, but you never can be too careful, so I second the chiropractor idea. Good luck!

Wed 07/09/2003 7:49PM e-mail home page

could he have a bladder infection?

Thu 07/10/2003 3:29AM e-mail home page

Poor guy! How's he doing now?

Fri 07/11/2003 11:44AM e-mail home page

yeah, definitely take a look at how he's sleeping. I have done many bad things to myself from sleeping in a crooked manner.but I also think it's safe to say that sometimes geniuses just complain a lot.

Sat 07/12/2003 12:40PM e-mail home page

Christy, please update us on Aidan and his pains. Little kids don't fake pains that wake them up writhing, so I'm worried.Love,Alexa

Sat 07/12/2003 9:11PM e-mail home page

Isabella had the same back thing and the chiropractor fixed it right away.

Sun 07/13/2003 10:44AM e-mail home page

It's been going on nights on and off - Grandma, who has very sensitive fair skin like Aidan's suggested getting some corn starch - like it is a skin thing - and he has responded to that a little, though maybe just because it is something. Last night had no complaints so I am hoping it is over.

Sun 07/13/2003 11:22AM e-mail home page