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We had a lovely Easter at my Mother in Law's house. Steve pulled out his mom's early 1960's McCall's cookbook to make french toast for breakfast. It is an incredible book, with no cover and fabulous 60's illustrations throughout. His french toast was delicious and we had the idea, while leafing through it, to make rolls for Easter dinner. I've never made bread and I've been wanting to for a long time, and it was a success.

Funny Aidan story: He walked into the kitchen with a fresh booger on his finger. I grabbed a tissue and wisked it away and he burst into tears. "I WANT TO EAT MY BOOGER... I ... want ... to eat ... my ... booger ..." and on and on. Steve and his mom came rushing in to see if he was okay because it sounded like he was hurt. I tried to get him to tell them why he was upset, but I couldn't get him to say it to them. I told them and grandma assured him that there would be other boogers.


Hi Christy - so good to see you back on-line. Have you put up your quilt blog yet? - I'd love to check it out. :) -Shannon

Tue 04/22/2003 12:44PM e-mail home page

No, it'll take me awhile I'm afraid

Tue 04/22/2003 2:15PM e-mail home page