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I ran out to the library last night, leaving Steve napping upstairs and Aidan watching a video. I told Aidan to go upstairs and climb into bed with pop when the movie was over. He said that he wasn't tired and that he didn't want to, but I thought that he would anyway since he hadn't had a nap. I had woken up Steve to tell him that I was going.

When I got back about an hour later, Aidan was standing on a chair at the kitchen counter. The first thing he said was that he couldn't get the cookies back in the basket, there is a hanging basket there that had a package of cookies in it. When I got a little closer I realized that he had the flour container open. Aidan and the counter and the floor were covered in flour.

"I tried to make a cake."


"It didn't work out."

It was really cute. Steve was still asleep.

I got a few (grownup) books from the library. The very serious ones are Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace - How We Got To Be So Hated by Gore Vidal and Wealth and Democracy - A Political History of the American Rich by Kevin Philips. I am halfway through the Gore Vidal one and it is excellent. And then I got a couple of books that don't make me want to move to another country. Morning Glories and Moonflowers which I got because those are plants that I have grown from seed for several years now. I specifically want to know why they don't bloom until its practically fall. It turns out the book is about all kinds of climbing plants and doesn't address my question at all. I had to get a gardening book though because it was snowing last night. The other one is called Incredible Quilts for Kids of all Ages. It has some paper piecing blocks of kids that might work for Aidan's "boys with balls" quilt.
