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Long Illness


Aidan has been sick since Monday: no appetite, nausea, vomiting and occasional fever. I actually thought he was going to be better yesterday because he woke up with no fever, but when he still wouldn't eat I knew he'd have another day of sickness. He only threw up once yesterday, but he slept a lot. I'm afraid he's going to loose all of his baby fat and will completely transform into a little boy when its over. He handles the sickness really well - he knows just what he needs. Everytime he is sick its like this, a routine. This time it is how he drinks - a sip of water followed by a couple of gulps of milk. I wouldn't have offered him milk, but he demanded it, and now that this has been going on for a few days I'm glad that he's had the nourishment. He's still nursing too, but I can't imagine that he's getting a substansial amount of milk from me at this point.

I picked up Memoirs of a Geisha at the library last week and this was a good time to have it. It is total candy. I read the whole thing in three days and the characters and settings are still swimming around in my brain. The happy ending bothered me a little bit with its fairy tale neatness, but at the same time I found myself lying in bed last night thinking that I'll have to read that chapter again. There was something so satisfying about it. I'm afraid that if it had ended messier or sadder I wouldn't have such a good feeling about it.

A new friend had asked me recently what types of books I like and I told her that I don't really read fiction. She saw the book here and said, "I thought you didn't read fiction." Well, it's not like a rule that I have, its just my tendency lately, and now I know why. I get completely wrapped up in a book like that and neglect everything else until I've finished. It was perfect for a week in the sick house, although I walked around my messy downstairs yesterday thinking that it would have been a perfect day to make the house (barn) nice and clean, since there was no kid following me around, messing up what I had just cleaned. But I didn't. Oh well.

And that brings me to another thing: I wanted to add it to the sidebar but my template updates are not working! In blogger it shows the code for the new template, but its not showing up on the published page. Is anyone else having this problem? What did you do about it? I reported it to blogger but no luck. Someday I'll switch to MT.


I am so glad you enjoyed Memoirs of a Geisha. I thought it was beautifully written. I hope Aidan is better soon. He's just expelling the last bit of winter before he blossoms with Spring. Love, Kay

Fri 03/28/2003 1:53PM e-mail home page

I happen to know, because I just went to her blog, that Jes was having the same problem, and I had it sometimes when my blog was on blogger. I hope Aidan gets better soon!

Sun 03/30/2003 2:19PM e-mail home page