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Land of the Free


This happened at the aforementioned mall of Dance Dance Revolution fame.

DOWNS AND HIS SON, 31-year-old Roger Downs, each had a pro-peace shirt made Monday night at a store in the mall.  One shirt simply said "Let Inspections Work" on one side and "No War With Iraq" on the other.  The other shirt said "Give Peace A Chance" on the front and "Peace On Earth" on the back.

A Macy's employee saw the men in the food court and alerted security.  Downs and his son were asked to remove their shirts. Roger Downs complied, but when Stephen Downs wouldn't, he was told to leave the mall.  When he refused, he was arrested for trespassing.

The full article is here.
I'll need a shirt for the next time I have to go to the mall.


It's interesting that this happened even though they bought and had the shirts inscribed at that mall, on that visit! They were consumers...

Wed 03/05/2003 10:02PM e-mail home page

I went to see Anita Roddick (founder of The Body Shop) speak tonight and she made the same point. In her experience, getting flack for running activist campaigns at mall based shops was always based on the argument that the mall is a place for commerce.

Wed 03/05/2003 11:55PM e-mail home page

thats funny I just emailed you his aticle -oops. I dont know if I can live without the apple store, what am I going to do. is my geekiness going to overcome my need to boycott this god forsaken place?I hate mallsI like how they are now trying to say that they were "acting" inappropriate, but they didnt say anyting about there actions until after they started getting flack for it. and a Laywer fr the state - thats a good guy to pick on huh?

Thu 03/06/2003 9:30AM e-mail home page