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We Stocked Up On Duct Tape


We are going to NY to demonstrate tomorrow and just whipped up this baby. I don't usually bring a sign because of the boy, but he's going to be with Grandma so I'll have a free hand. I'm a little nervous about this one as it is a rally without a march. There was a rally back in October in Central Park, but this is in the middle of the city - I don't know how they're going to manage so many people without a march and no place really to go, so I suspect it's going to be a bit zooey. I'll let you know.


The city is a mess. Streets are blocked off with police cars blocking and steel fence sections. Police are armed to the teeth. Everyone is taking the "threat" level very seriously. Any kind of unusual situation is taken seriously. On Thursday of last week, My boss and everyone else was kept from the hotel that is attached to Grand Central Station. When he got in it was 10:30 PM and all the luggage that had been checked at the bell station was open in the middle of the lobby. Please be careful. Love, Mom

Sat 02/15/2003 3:06PM e-mail home page

That sign made me laugh out loud! I loved it!

Sat 02/15/2003 5:48PM e-mail home page

I was inspired by your sign to make my own fear duct tape tshirt and then when I was leaving I stuck the letters onto a stop sign. So it read stop FEAR.Over 2 million came out in London to Protest. Several tens of thousands marched down Hollywood Blvd. Amaaaaazing!Jefferson and I keep debating wether or not we could get close enough to ol'GWB to hack a lugie on him.I'm left thinking of the little engine that could...

Sat 02/15/2003 7:26PM e-mail home page

On the way home from the protest, I noticed that someone had used a great deal of duct tape....to secure they're "American for Peace" sign to a stick so they could display it proudly in front of their house.I laughed out loud. It was the best use of duct tape that I've seen thus far. At least, it was until I saw your sign here. hahahahaha.

Sat 02/15/2003 10:37PM e-mail home page

I love your sign!!!I wish I had checked your blog before going out to the march today, I would have made one also! I'm now inspired to go do some duct tape actions...~KP.S. We had 55,000+ in Seattle!!

Sun 02/16/2003 3:02AM e-mail home page