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Letter to the Editor


There was an article on the front page of the Register Star recently with this headline: "Pizza Man 'terrorist' might walk" and the article that followed was the story of Ansar Mahmood, a Hudson man who is being illegally detained after being cleared of any terrorist connections. I thought the headline was alarmist, misleading and irresponsible and thought I should write a letter. I have these kinds of thoughts all the time but the letter never gets written. I sat on it for a week or so and then felt inspired one night when my laptop was open upstairs and I was supposed to be getting Aidan ready for bed. I e-mailed it that night and went to bed feeling like the whole thing was much too easy and my letter was probably just jettisoned out into the ether. Even if they did publish it, would I ever know since I don't have a subscription and only buy the paper sporadically?

Last Sunday Ansar Mahmood was on the front page of the paper again - I bought it and my letter was there. A few days later I got a phone call from someone asking if I was the person who had written the letter. I admitted that I was, a little afraid that I was about to get threatened - but it was someone thanking me - he said he wanted to write that letter himself but couldn't since he knows the person who wrote the headline. We spoke for a few minutes, it seems that the editor who wrote the headline is actually sympathetic to Mahmood's predicament and just wrote a stupid headline. Hmmm, stupid editor. He described himself as an old radical who is at the peace vigils in Hudson every weekend. We are regrettably not going to Washington this Saturday so I am going to head down to the vigil in Hudson and see if I can meet him. It was so great that he called me, it makes me feel a little more plugged into the community here.


Can you please post a copy of your letter? I can't find it at the Register. Love, Kay

Fri 01/17/2003 8:59AM e-mail home page

could you write a letter to president bush for me asking him not to send my friend that was stupid, sorry, naive enough to sign up for the reserves, not to send him off to Iraq. this is stupid. why the fuck do they need reserves. do kids read this blogg, chris?why is bush allowed to get away with this? it doesn't seem right. probably because it isn't.

Sat 01/18/2003 5:59AM e-mail home page

it was a gorgeous day today in southern california. crisp, clear 79 degrees.i didn't want it to be all negative.

Sat 01/18/2003 6:03AM e-mail home page

Hi, Tyson,I'm totally jealous of that weather. I'm leaving the lights on on the Christmas tree today; they give me a feeling - no, an illusion, of warmth. (No, our heating system is not broken.) It's that blinding white outside that does not allow the sun to warm the ground. On the positive side, it's perversely beautiful. Had a good job interview yesterday. Maybe, maybe I'll get to be F/T. Decision in early Feb. I think. Love to all family.

Sat 01/18/2003 1:31PM e-mail home page

Hi Alexa,I wish I could box you up some of the weather and ship it out to you. It'll be there soon though, well, sort of soon. Good Luck with the iterview. Love ya!

Sat 01/18/2003 3:34PM e-mail home page

Good job Christy! I always have those "I should write a letter feelings, and like you, the letter pretty much never gets written. I absolutely agree with you about the headline, and I'm glad you acted on your feelings!

Sun 01/19/2003 12:10PM e-mail home page

There have been a lot of new articles about Ansar recently.

I've got links to some of them at:


Sam Pratt
Wed 01/21/2004 11:31PM e-mail home page