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Acting Class


There is an acting class this Saturday called "The Neutral Mask" at the wellness center where I go to yoga classes. I have been seeing this class for months and wanting to go. Being in my yoga clothes and then being all limber and warmed up after yoga class puts me in that acting class frame of mind. Acting school was my first introduction to yoga. However, this week, I have been getting all panicky at the thought of it. When I went to yoga on Tuesday, I was thinking about it on my way there and I could feel my throat and chest getting all tight. I felt fragile all class, like I could just burst into tears. The REALLY silly thing is that it is a MASK workshop. I mean, what could be safer than that?


Christy...you need to do this. That anxiety is just the old stuff from college. Go play! Love, Kay

Fri 07/19/2002 2:38PM e-mail home page

I agree with Kay, Besides you should always go after the thing that scares you the most just to show "it" that "it" does not control you!Love, Mom

Fri 07/19/2002 6:46PM e-mail home page