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We had a really nice Sunday. Steve has been gone for about ten days, so we were really happy to have him back this weekend. We went strawberry picking in the morning. There is an organic strawberry field about 20 minutes from here. The berries were $1.25/lb - we picked over 10 lbs in about 20 minutes. I thought Aidan would like it because he enjoys it at our CSA farm, but at this place they had these spheres hanging up with big eyes on them - to scare away birds. Aidan was completely distracted by them and just wanted to play with the "ball". It didn't matter because the picking was so good that we got plenty of berries really quickly.

The berry farm was in Ancram, in southern Columbia County - its an area that we haven't really been looking in and it was absolutely beautiful. On our way home we took a detour to a yard sale and got Aidan a tricycle for $3. Steve had to raise the handlebars a lot for our gigantic boy. He loves it and scoots it around the barn in circles, pretending he is going places, saying goodbye to us as he passes. Though I am sure he could pedal, he won't, he is strangely stubborn about it.

At about 1:30, Steve remembered that he had a softball game at 2:00 in Great Barrington and we rushed out the door. He didn't realize that he wasn't wearing sneakers until he got his first hit and looked down at his feet at first base. On our way home we stopped at the Green River so I could show Steve where it was. Aidan likes to throw rocks and sticks into the water.

Late last night, before we went to bed, we sat out on our front stoop and watched the fireflies in the huge field next to our house. They were mindblowing.


that sounds so nice! ou must be very happy to have him back, you were very patient. I am jealous of the strawberries I wanted to go last year too, and didnt - oh well, next year i guess.

Jes Kent
Mon 06/24/2002 11:55PM e-mail home page

Those are the best-looking strawberries I've ever seen!

Tue 06/25/2002 2:17AM e-mail home page