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Birthday Wish List


Subscription to Mother Earth News
Tickets to see Urinetown: the Musical
Successful Scrap Quilts from Simple Rectangles
Spectacular Scraps
These Hoops - scroll to the 4th item
A popcorn popper
An apple peeler
A CD player for my car

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of right now.


Christy -- If I had extra cash, I'd sub you to MEN.Do you read Countryside?Lisa B-K

Thu 06/13/2002 5:44PM e-mail home page

Thanks, that's sweet :)I've never heard of Countryside - I'll have to check it out. I LOVE magazines. I've been looking at Mother Earth News at the grocery store each issue and saying to myself that I'll buy it if there is an article that I'm interested in. There always is.

Thu 06/13/2002 6:47PM e-mail home page

Countryside has a website:Countryside!It's kind of old-school. I have back issues from like the last 8 years or so. What are you interested in? Chicken coops? Goats? Homestead hydroponics? Wild foods? Personal stories of people who've made it on the land? I can't afford a sub, but I can certainly Xerox. LMK.Lisa B-K

Fri 06/14/2002 10:49AM e-mail home page