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Another Run-In With Nature


While driving down Rt.7 in Great Barrington early yesterday evening, I saw a huge turtle trying to cross the road. I stopped my car and chased it onto the side of the road, but there was a fence there and no good place for it to go. It was one bad ass creature and not at all appreciative of my lifesaving efforts. Turns out it was a snapping turtle. I thought if I reached down for it it would hide in its shell and then I could relocate it somehow but instead of hiding, it almost took my hand off. It was like godzilla weighed down by a big shell. I stood there for a few minutes trying to figure out what I could do to relocate it, but came up with nothing and was about to give up when someone from a wine store across the street came over to see what I was puzzling over. He went and got a big garbage can and we managed, with great difficulty, to get it inside using Aidan's wiffle ball bat and a nerf bat. There is a swamp on the other side of the wine store and he took it there. I took Aidan out of the car to see it once it was in the garbage can and he just let out a real scared, "Mommy!" and held me tight.
