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Farewell HipMama HipMama's bulletin boards


Farewell HipMama

HipMama's bulletin boards got shut down for good this past weekend. I feel strange saying this but I am really affected by it. Even Steve recognized the significance of it by mentioning that he wouldn't have a job if it weren't for HipMama (he works for a HipMama's husband that we met through the site). Things I learned about from HipMama: white privilege, RAWA, unschooling, BARF diet for dogs (which cured Wes' chronic ear problems), blogger, homemade natural cleaners, ways and reasons to circumvent the big business economy, and that it is very common for babies to twist the other nipple! I'm sure there is more but those are the things that come to mind readily.

I recently finished Dorothy Day's autobiography, The Long Loneliness. She mentions her daughter telling her how isolating motherhood is. It is so true. HipMama was a cure for that for a whole bunch of moms who are not only isolated by motherhood but also by a host of non-traditional ideals and situations. There were so many times that I was relieved to find other people who felt the same way as me: that Paul McCartney's 9-11 song was revolting, that attatchment parenting is worth it, that there is better kids' music out there than Disney soundtracks and that living without T.V. is great.

I feel blessed to have been a part of the experiment that the HipMama board was - and I will miss it!

I will also probably become much more productive...


If you miss it, why not start it up again, or have one similar to it! I would have loved some place to go and talk to other new moms when I first had you and Tyson. Love, Mom

Wed 04/17/2002 8:56AM e-mail home page

That's probably the best eulogy for hipmama I have read yet.

Wed 04/17/2002 9:38AM e-mail home page

I am just back from traveling a ton and getting caught up on your weblog. So, your Mom beat me to it but I absolutely agree. Why don't you do it? Love, Kay

Wed 04/24/2002 3:12PM e-mail home page