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This is the view I


This is the view I saw when I let Wes out the back door this morning. We had a nice snow last night and it was all misty and fresh and beautiful.

Faces of Death
Right after I let Wes out I discovered another dead mouse on the kitchen counter. It really broke me out of my happy dreamy - we moved to the country and its so beautiful here - state of mind. Out of sheer laziness we had put two traps right next to each other. The mouse's leg was in one trap and the middle of his body in the other. That means I could see his face. Poor mouse.

Last night I was running a bath for Aidan and he was running around like a crazy man, throwing balls and playing. I ran downstairs for a minute to pick up some of his toys and when I came back up I sensed that something was not quite right. Aidan had decided that he was ready to get into the bath and had started to take his clothes off - which is really unusual and he wasn't very successful. It worried me a bit - like what if I had been downstairs a little longer and he had actually tried to get into the tub? The tub has very high sides and I wasn't sure about the temperature of the water. Our hot water is VERY hot. As I got a little closer I could see that there was in fact a casualty, Tigger was floating in the tub.
