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Gifts I'm Excited About Giving


Don't proceed if you are a relative that might get a gift from me. Probably you shouldn't even look at the comments.

Subscription to All Round Magazine - I love this magazine so much, it's mostly the creation of one person. It feels really precious to me, I know that a person can't keep up a project like this forever, so I'm giving anyone that it might be appropriate for a subscription.

A Living Wreath Kit, except I found it a lot cheaper here. If I had it together a little better I'd make them myself.

RAWA benefit cd (review) and a donation.

Homemade Oblique Strategies deck with booklet. (Heard about this from Lisa B-K)

Homemade doorway puppet theatre like these. I'm not so sure about the roman blind part though.

Little Lit books - one for each of three neice and nephews ages 10-13.


Whoo Hoo - thank you so much for a few of those links - time to get crafty again. I had been wracking my brain for several gifts and you totally answered my quest. Hugs Mama!!!!

Sat 12/13/2003 8:24PM e-mail home page