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Mercury Retrograde


I am not an astrologer, but I owned a new age store for five years and absorbed a bit of astrological information. There two things that we always kept track of, and we'd even get phone calls from customers asking about. One was if the moon was waxing or waning. The other was if Mercury was retrograde, which means that it is moving backward in relation to the earth. (It isn't actually moving backwards.)

Mercury rules commerce and communication and when it seems to move backwards it tends to disrupt both of these things. It's really a time to sit back and meditate, because trying to get any kind of business done is an uphill battle. Things to avoid during Mercury retrograde include important business transactions, which will be fraught with communication problems and starting new endeavors, which will be impermanent.

I warned my father and step-mother, who used to change houses and jobs with some frequency, about Mercury retrograde so much that they started to ask me about it unsolicited.

So it suddenly struck me, a few days ago, that here I am about to FINALLY buy a house and I don't even know if Mercury is retrograde. A post on another blogger's site had me wondering too - she seemed to be suffering from a classic case of Mercury retrograde along with a half a dozen other people who left comments.

So I looked. And it is.

There is a part of me that is relieved. Although I feel really lucky and grateful to finally be buying a house, it's a far cry from my dream house, and if it's temporary, well that probably means that something better is coming along soon.

I just hope I don't get sick tomorrow, because THAT would be classic Mercury retrograde too.


Yikes! Groan and moan. I almost asked you about this when we spoke but I didn't want to jinx anything. Mercury retrograde wouldn't think of messing with a powerful woman in her almost 8th month, who has a 4 year old with the flu, aching to have her own space for living & delivery at the tail end of a stressful holiday season. It would at least be an even match and my money is on the pregnant lady. Good luck tomorrow! Love, Kay

kay heder
Mon 12/29/2003 11:15PM e-mail home page

Good luck!

We began the sale of our house( a condo) last year during Merc Rx and it fell through at the 11th hour.

This same house was one we bought in desperation (during a Merc Rx I've just discovered oh my we were doomed!) as I was about 4-6 weeks away from giving birth then. The place was a money pit and we were finally forced to sell it.

Perhaps it will not effect you all like it did us, I hear Merc Rx has a strong effect on some signs and my SO is Virgo, Merc doesn't effect me much at all. Maybe there are ways to counteract the effects? feng shui or something?

anyway, best of luck and I hope you are settled soon.

Tue 01/06/2004 8:22AM e-mail home page