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Painted Like A Spirit Horse



I am so grateful that Steve and I can both be more delighted than upset when Aidan emerges from quiet play in the next room with his face, "painted like a Spirit horse."


Love the pictures! I believe I see more and more of Steve in him. But there is also that "little devil" smile that Tyson has (and still does).
Now it is time to post a pictures of you and Steve together - like we did when you where pregnant with Aidan. You two where in the backyard at his Mom's and he was rubbing your belly.
Love, Mom

Wed 01/21/2004 9:08AM e-mail home page

What a sweet face! I'm glad you have a camera again. Aidan's eyes remind me of a young Tyson...
I think of you guys often, and look forward to/ hope for a problem-free delivery. Congratulations on your new home. It's a nice looking house, in need of a your family's love and your living in it. I hope it keeps you nice and snug for now. Is it "in town", or in the country? I forgot. Anyway, you've made a huge step forward! We got our first house a month before Liz was born.
For your consideration:
My friend's older two daughters saw the youngest born (they were 7 and 4) and they wish they had not actually seen the birth. It was traumatic for them to wait and watch their mom having a difficult time and pain. The older one - now 25 - says she never wants to have a baby. (Even 15 minutes can be long for a kid.) They would have preferred to see Mom and Baby after things were a bit "cleaner".
I'm holding you Collinses in the Light. Love,

Thu 01/22/2004 4:55PM e-mail home page