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Leaving Long Island


My Mother-In-Law came up for the weekend with the NY Times in tow and I came across this article about how young people can't afford to live on Long Island.

Young Adults Call L.I. a Fine Place to Grow Up, and Leave

I have a brother-in-law on LI who makes $60,000/year and just moved out of his in-laws house into an illegal basement apartment. He is responsible with money. He has a degree in electrical engineering. He and his wife are expecting a baby, and they live in someone's basement.

I hardly know of anyone that I went to high school with who has the kind of "adult" life that you would think that a 30 year old would have. Maybe I hung out with arty types that eschewed traditional employment, but it seems like even safer kinds of jobs are not so numerous and safe as one might think and even so, the cost of living prevents people from having the kind of lifestyle that our parents had.

We left long Island and even the whole New York area because we didn't think that we could EVER survive financially there. And we're not the only ones.

You'd have to pay to read this article, but the gist of it is right there in the headline:
For More People in 20's and 30's, Home Is Where the Parents Are


just like westchester! a "starter" house for ONLY 450,000! what a steal!

Mon 02/23/2004 8:12AM e-mail home page

COGRATULATIONS MAMA! Glad that you and baby are doing well, can't wait to hear your birth story!

Wed 02/25/2004 11:42AM e-mail home page