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Mom look Mommy look MOM LOOK


I could, if I were so inclined (and sometimes I am) to mark Aidan's life by the stages that I can't wait for him to grow out of. It might go like this:
-spitting up
-obsessed with crawling up stairs
-the diaper change struggle
-the taking a bath struggle
-the nail cutting struggle
-"why" as in "Why do people live in houses?" or "Why is our car red?"
-shovelling so much food into his mouth at one time that he can't possibly chew it

and the latest:

"Look Mom, look, mommy look Mom look."

As in I'm washing the dishes that I've needed to wash all day and can only do now because Will has gone down for a nap. The water is running and I have soapy gloves on and Aidan is calling from the top of the stairs:

"Look Mom, look, mommy look Mom look."

"What is it?"

He is telling me something from the top of the stairs but I can't hear him. The water is running.

"What? I can't hear you."

"Look Mom, look, mommy look Mom look."

I finally turn the water off and go to the bottom of the stairs to see what it is.

"Look Mom, super chicken is better now. He's not sick anymore."

And before the dishes are done there will be five more, "Look Mom, look, mommy look Mom look."


Isn't it so nice that he wants to share everything with you? :-p

Speaking as someone in the throes of
a) obsessed with going up and down stairs
b) the nail cutting struggle (she even fights me when she's asleep... my current tactic is to try to do one nail a night, and I can't always manage that)
c) the diaper change struggle
d) the getting in the car seat struggle
e) Mama can't do anything but pay attention to her, and no one else will do

Maria Wood
Wed 12/01/2004 12:50PM e-mail home page

Well, at least Super Chicken is doing better... ((Hugs))

Wed 12/01/2004 2:47PM e-mail home page

Ha! I know and live this stage. Except I just call it "The Moms".
"Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. MoooooooooM!!!"
(Insert something about his trucks or his rubber skeleton here)

I am also wondering if I was a better mother like two years ago. Because my patience sure seems to be wearing thin these days. My sister was here with her 3 year old and her 9 month old for the holiday, and she was so NICE to them. I feel like I spend half my life growling desperate and ridiculous things like, "If you don't get into the bath right now, you're not going to have a birthday this year!" (while chasing the naked boy through the house). People say that two was hard - but two was easy - it's when they hit 3-4-5 that I've really started feeling challenged.

Wed 12/01/2004 3:12PM e-mail home page

Maria - and don't you love it when people with older kids say wistfully, "oh, but it goes so fast..."
Because when you're in the midst of it, it is eternal, it's hard to imagine it ever ending.

Maia - I am also having the same feeling about this age. 4 was horrible for us. 5 is better. I used to feel so confident about my parenting - I was so patient and understanding and now I feel like my expectations might be too high or something. I don't think I'm as nice as I used to be. It's so comforting to hear you say the same. I thought it was being pregnant and having a baby, but I think we have normalized by now and it hasn't really gone away.

Wed 12/01/2004 9:33PM e-mail home page

Ah, yes. With Trevor, three was hard. With Chloe-grrl, this business of being five is just... oh she can be *so* obnoxious and stubborn. And Rune, well, he's coming up on 2 and has learned to say NO NO NO to most everything. Nice mothers? Hmmm... wonder what those are? I'm more like Ayun's Bitch Mother, these days.

Thu 12/02/2004 8:59AM e-mail home page

Monk was TOTALLY the most easy kid in the world until he hit 3.5...and he's only just now, at 8, starting to recover. Or maybe I'm the one who is only starting to recover.

Coley was hardest as an infant, and he gets easier every year.

But, I also feel mean. And, Maia, I also throw out a hundred thousand ridiculous punishments. At one point, I threatened to "BURN ALL OF YOUR GOOSEBUMPS BOOKS!!!!!"

It's embarrassing.

And I have NO patience for the "look at me look at me look at me" stuff. It drives me nuts.

Thu 12/02/2004 10:16AM e-mail home page

this is where the brother gets yelled at! ready?

I think you're crazy and only because I remember being that kid! And I've seen you do it to A, now I know I'm wrong, I know I have know idea about the trials and the rigors of motherhood, but just think for one second what it would be like if A weren't around and how desperately you'd want to be anoyed by him.

Chris, Chriiis, know what I mean Chris? Chriiiiis. Christy, hey Christy, know what I mean.

super chicken is "f"ing rad! what is super chicken? and will he be coming to texas? I love you and I'm not a parent yet for the record. -t

Thu 12/02/2004 12:06PM e-mail home page

You think I'm crazy because you remember being that kid? You still are that kid. And it's annoying, no matter how much you are loved.

By the way, you can curse on my blog.

Super Chicken is a chicken with a bandana wrapped around its neck. In fact, it is this chicken.


Most any stuffed animal can become a super animal.

Thu 12/02/2004 1:13PM e-mail home page

hey chris! hey chris! hey chris!hey chris!hey chris!hey chris!hey chris!hey chris!hey chris!


your son's are the coolest. hey chris, hey, hey, chris, hey.

Thu 12/02/2004 4:39PM e-mail home page

The current theory I'm working with is that when Spike sometimes acted completely unreasonable when he was younger, I had more patience because I kept thinking, "He's just a baby! He doesn't know any better!" but now that he has reached something close to the age of reason - I often think he's doing things just to push my buttons. Because he can. Which, indeed, does push my buttons. And I've always been a very low key, patient mom. Not anymore, though. I actually have found myself parroting the immortal words of my own mother, "CUT THE SHIT!" to my dear son.

But yes, it's nice to hear I'm not the only one. A recent informal survey of moms I know with kids this age added to this chorus of grumpy moms. We are not alone. Maybe it's like adolescence - as they make the break from babyhood into kidhood they have to be a little unbearable and assert their independence, because their obnoxious behavior makes it easier for us to let go a little, too.

Thu 12/02/2004 7:51PM e-mail home page

Christy - are you aware that there actually is (or was) a cartoon called "Super Chicken?" I find myself singing the theme song to my kids whenever we have the grumps, and it never fails to make us all laugh:

When you find yourself in danger
If you're threatened by a stranger
If you feel that you might take a lickin'
There is something you must learn
When there is no one else to turn to
Caaaaaaaaall for super chicken
(bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk)
Caaaaaaaaaall for super CHICKEN

Fri 12/03/2004 11:14AM e-mail home page


get ready sis, cause that song is going to be song in chorus nonstop in texas!

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, When you find yourself in danger
If you're threatened by a stranger
If you feel that you might take a lickin'
There is something you must learn
When there is no one else to turn to
Caaaaaaaaall for super chicken!

Thats fucking great. -t

Fri 12/03/2004 12:13PM e-mail home page

Yes, when Phoebe was tiny I was SO AWARE that it was all so fleeting, and I carefully treasured every moment of sleep deprivation. Now, she's only 14 months so I'm still Nice Mama, but I am not wistfully appreciating every irritating thing anymore. And on the rare occasions that she doesn't go to sleep by 10pm, I hit a wall of some kind - well, it's the wall of Panic That I'm Not Going To Get Any Alone Time Or Enough Sleep Tonight - and I get cranky. And lose my patience. And I'm not Nice Mama anymore, at least by my own standards.

On the other hand, I do really appreciate it when I get her into her car seat or change her diaper without the struggle to end all struggles. I used to take it for granted and feel smug that I had such a good baby.

Maria Wood
Fri 12/03/2004 10:59PM e-mail home page

I was thinking about this today and I think the thing is is that parents seem to react to the children's behavior as if they (the children) have some kind of responsibility for the situation that they are creating.

As a parent, and usually a mother, you have spent every, EVERY moment of your lives for anywhere from one to six or more years with your child. Anything would get grating under such circumstances.

you know what I mean? Hey chris, hey, hey christy you know what I mean?


Sat 12/04/2004 4:11AM e-mail home page

Never forget mantras that seem to never end like Darah does.....Like I want a lolli pop mom, over and over from Philmont to home. Gavin and I started counting just to amuse ourselves and to keep me from choking her or leaving her on the side of the road where some stranger could say "want some candy little girl" to which she could reply I want a lolli pop!
That is so funny you said that about people who say "oh it goes so fast". I have thought the same thing myself, eternal is the right word. Your right, it can't go fast enough when you are in a "stage". I think for now Darah is out of the mantra stage, I did blow out my radio speakers by turning the volume up all the way so I did not have to hear her one time so maybe she got the hint to knock it off. I think I will just be thankful for now with pretty good behaviors for both and they all have their limbs.

Wed 01/26/2005 11:25PM e-mail home page