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Busy Busy


We've been so busy getting ready for this party. We've invited just about everyone we know and some people that we hardly know and don't know for sure really who is coming. Which is fine. But we looked at the weather last night and saw "chance of showers" all weekend and our hearts sank. Today it says rain. 80% chance on Sunday. Fortunately, the barn is really huge, it is just such a shame. We are putting so much work into this. We rented what Steve calls a moonwalk, the rental place calls it a bounce house. We got a tent to put the tables under. Steve bought a big piece of plywood yesterday and is painting it with chalkboard paint so that there is a giant chalkboard for the little kids to play with (I'd been wanting to make one of these for Aidan anyway). I got a pinata and filled it with toys. I suppose we could hang it under the tent. We ordered two quarter kegs. Its raining today and its breaking my heart. Fortunately, I spoke to my sister-in-law yesterday and she told me how much she is looking forward to it. That made me feel really good.

The other thing about this rain is that the windshield wiper motor on my car broke this weekend and I can't drive around in the rain and I have so much that I need to do. I just so badly want to get everythig done well ahead of time so I can enjoy myself at the party.

update: the weather report has already changed for Sunday to 40% chance of scattered showers - what a relief - maybe I can will my way to a sunny weekend

Maia (aka Shaolin) posted this piece in her blog (Her writing is wonderful by the way. Read all of it if you have time). It was really funny (maybe funny isn't quite the word) because Aidan was partially named after a boy like this who used to come into my store. He was adorable and amazingly polite and friendly. The first time I met him he said, "My name is Aidan. I'm Greek" and wanted to know what he could buy with $3. I was looking around, showing him things and pointed out an astrology daily planner that was on sale because it was February or something. I didn't think he'd be interested, but he surprised me by saying "Oh I love astrology" and buying it. He was about seven years old. I ran into him at the bagel place in town recently and completely didn't recognize him because he was a young man. But he recognized me and when he said he was Aidan I almost fell over. I told him that my son had been named after him and he said he knew. Someone must have told him. He was still sweet and friendly and handsome.

Ear to ear...jeez.


time for some birthday raincake!!! if it rains just enjoy it. right? I can't believe you're condoning a piniata. they're going to think everything they wack with a stick will yield something sweet.

Thu 08/29/2002 12:09PM e-mail home page

no candy in it - just toys and confetti. but when we bought it (it is a colorful bull that Aidan thinks is a horse) Aidan was so attatched to it that I became nervous that when the time came to hit it with a stick til it breaks, hewould be upset. so I explained what was going to happen and he helped me put the toys in. I think its going to be okaythat's funny about the rain cake. I hadn't thought of that.

Thu 08/29/2002 12:27PM e-mail home page

As kids, you and Tyson loved to play in the rain, sprinkler, pool, etc. Just have the towels ready and a large pan of water to wash the muddy feed off in on the back porch. Wish we could be there-have fun!Love, Mom

Thu 08/29/2002 5:19PM e-mail home page

I still quite like the rain.

Fri 08/30/2002 12:38PM e-mail home page

Enjoy it if it rains! I just returned last night from Wrightsville Beach NC where they had record breaking rain. It rained every day, just not all day. Did not deter us from walking on the beach and chartering a fishing boat for a 1/2 day. Every thread was soaked and fingers and toes wrinkled and prunny. Have fun! Wish I could be there. I'll call after the weekend party. Love, Kay

Sat 08/31/2002 10:37AM e-mail home page

I hope it's not raining on your party! It sounds like it'll be fun regardless :-)

Sun 09/01/2002 5:22PM e-mail home page